If you are interested in beginning or advancing a career in Science, Engineering,
Information Technology or Electronics, enrolling in and having an in-depth
understanding of any or all the following Introductory Robotics Programming
Training Course Module is highly recommended.
Module 1A- C Programming for the Arduino
Module 1B- Introduction to Raspberry Pi Programming with Python
Module 2- Introduction to Robot Electronics
Module 3- Introduction to Robotics
The Introductory Robotics Programming Training covers a variety of multidisciplinary topics necessary to understand the fundamentals of designing, building, and programming robots. During this course, students will be required to gradually complete the design and construction of a robot using the Arduino or Raspberry Pi Kit.
This Introductory Robotics Programming training is for anybody who is interested in robots, programming, and electronics. No assumptions are made about ability.
Course Objectives:-
Students will learn 21st Century Skill Sets(teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration,
time management, resource allocation, problem solving strategies etc.),understand and
know the following:-
– How to design robots for specific activities and scenarios
– How to use Arduino or Raspberry pi programming software
– Gears, pulleys, torque, friction, timing, sensors, and program loops
– To design, develop and complete robotic activities and challenges
At the end of the training programme students will be able to build solutions to
real-world problems and learn 21st century skill sets (teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration, time management, resource allocation, etc.)
Course Modules:-
Module 1A – C Programming for the Arduino
Course Topics:-
– Introduction to Arduino-C Programming
– Arduino C Data Types
– Decision Making in C
– Program Loops in C
– Functions in C
– Storage Classes and Scope
– Introduction to Pointers
– Using Pointers Effectively
– Structures, Unions, and Data Storage
– The C Preprocessor and Bitwise Operations
– Arduino Libraries
– Creating Basic Arduino Projects
Duration:- 8 Weeks
Training Fee Only: NGN50,000.00
Module 1B- Introduction to Raspberry Pi Programming with Python
Course Topics:-
– Setting Up the Raspberry Pi
– Understanding the Raspbian Linux Distribution
– Setting Up a Programming Environment
– Understanding Python Basics
– Using Arithmetic in Your Programs
– Controlling Your Program
– Learning About Loops
– Using Lists and Tuples
– Dictionaries and Sets
– Working with Strings
– Using Files
– Creating Functions
– Working with Modules
– Exploring the World of Object-Oriented Programming
– Employing Inheritance
– Regular Expressions
– Exception Handling
– GUI Programming
– Game Programming
– Business Programming
– Using the Network
– Using Databases in Your Programming
– Web Programming
– Creating Basic Pi/Python Projects
– Working with Advanced Pi/Python Projects
Duration:– 8 Weeks
Training Fee Only: NGN50,000.00
Module 2- Introduction to Robot Electronics
Course Information:-
This section introduces students to fundamental concepts of electricity, electric circuits
and electronics. The topics covered in this section will prepare students to understand
how the majority of the components on the Arduino kit function and how they can be used
to design circuits and robots.
Prerequisite: A Satisfactory completion of Module 1A-C Programming for the Arduino or
Module 1B-Introduction to Raspberry Pi Programming with Python.
Course Topics:-
Basic Electronics
– Electricity, Voltage and Current.
– Fundamentals of Electric Circuits.
– Ideal Sources and Resistors.
– Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s law,
– Capacitors and RC circuits.
– Switching Basics
– Relay driven LEDs
– Transistor Switching
– Integrated Circuits
Robot Electronics
– Materials – Circuit Board, Connecting Wire, Solder,
– Tools – Designing tools, Soldering tools,
– Components – Resistors, Connectors,
– Power Supplies
– The Controller Circuit
– Input Circuits- One-bit input, Analogue input, Sensors, Light Sensors, Digital Output,
– Detecting Colours, Thermal Sensors, Motion Sensors, Location Sensors, Proximity Sensors,
– Sound Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensor, Magnetic Field Sensor.
– Output Circuits – Direct Drive, Transistor Switches, Motor Speed Control,
Servomotors, Stepper Motors.
– Radio
– Testing the circuit
Duration:- 8 Weeks
Training Fee Only: NGN50,000.00
Module 3- Introduction to Robotics
Robots are defined as programmable machines or gadgets that can replace humans
in performing a range of tasks by executing input commands.
This module introduces students to the basic principles of robotics, engineering design
and computer science. The topics will cover fundamental topics related to engineering
processes, design, computer science and robotics.
Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Module 1A or 1B & Module 2-Introduction to Robot
Duration:- 8 Weeks
Training Fee Only: NGN55,000.00
Course Information:-
This is a beginning course in Robotics. We will be utilizing Arduino UNO or Raspberry Pi kits,
Arduino or Raspberry Pi Software and various Robotics materials. The objective of this course is
to introduce the student to Basic Programming, Mechanics, Robot Electronics as well as problem solving strategies.
This course will involve students in the development, building and programming of
robots. Students will work hands-on in teams to design, build, program and document
their progress.
Topics may include Micro Controllers, Motor Control, Gear Ratios,
Torque, Friction, Sensors & Actuators, Manipulators, Timing, Program Loops, Logic Gates,
Decision-Making, Timing Sequences, Propulsion Systems and Binary Number Systems.
This module will introduce students to some of the basic components used to design
robots. The topics covered in this section will prepare students to understand the
challenges of robotic design and after completing this section students will be prepared to
experiment with basic components of the robotic kit. Topics covered will help students
understand the techniques used to design robots that perform different tasks, their
limitations and advantages.
After completing this section, students will be prepared to start designing their robots for
the final project.