What’s it all about?
The August Holiday Tech Camp is a 2 week program designed to motivate and inspire participants to bring their creative ideas to life. The Holiday Tech Camp seeks to introduce IT to the students at an early age through fun and interactive activities such as creating their own games, animated stories, blogs, websites and learning how to build their own computer using various tools and technologies. The 2 week Tech Camp provides a comprehensive learning experience that is amazingly fun, highly interactive and extremely effective.
Parents now see computing skills, programming as essential for future in a Smart Nation. Programming is a great way to improve a child’s logical thinking. A student, who understands a computer program, will likely understand more mathematics. Programming is fun; it involves logic, problem solving, computational thinking, psychology and a lot of design and creativity. The Tech Camp is specially designed to introduce beginners to the fundamentals of programming and algorithms in a fun, engaging environment.
And what’s more, we are now living in a digital world where there is a strong emphasis on the importance of digital technology. The Students will not only learn about current and emerging digital technologies and the issues & risks raised by their use in a range of contexts but will also explore how digital technology impacts on the lives of individuals, organizations and society they live in.
Our mission is to inspire and empower future creators, innovators and change makers to create infinite possibilities. The big change makers who have made big strides in transforming computer technology like, Bill Gates (Microsoft), Mark Zukerberg (Facebook), and Elon Musk … and more had their start early on in life in their teens.
Above all, your child will also have the opportunity to socialise with like-minded children in their age bracket while learning a valuable skill in a secure and serene environment.
What students learn in the August Holiday Tech Camp?
These are just a few of the concepts the students will be taught:
• Living in a Digital World
• The Internet, Cybersecurity & Crime
• Algorithm, Flow Chart & Programming principles using Scratch & Python
• How to Build your own Computer & Website
Who is this for?
The August Holiday Camp is tailored for Senior Secondary School Boys & Girls between the ages of 14 – 18.
Minimum Requirements:
Students must be familiar with and comfortable operating the computer/ laptop i.e. able to switch the computer on/off and familiar with the keyboard. Although we will endeavor to provide computers & laptops for the duration of the camp, all participants are encouraged to bring their own so they can follow up with take home assignments at home. Recommended laptop specification: Windows 7 / 8 / 10, & Mac OS X with at least 2GB RAM.
For further questions, comments and/or suggestions about the August Holiday Tech Camp 2017, please contact Peter Albertson Limited on 0909 725 8959 or Email: info@peteralbertson-ng.com.
Dates: 14th – 25th August, 2017 (Mon. – Fri.)
Time: 9:00a.m to 3:00p.m Daily
Venue: Chemline House, 7 Obasa Road, off Oba Akran Avenue, Ikeja Lagos.
Cost: #10,000.00 per student (Highly subsidized)
The AUGUST Camp is usually oversubscribed as we place a strong emphasis on personal achievement and growth so we keep our classes at a size that will allow us to maintain a close one-on-one relationship with each student.
Why not book your place NOW by sending a Whatsapp or Text message stating your Name, Age, Present Class, and “August Holiday Tech Camp 2017” to 0909 725 8959.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Camp.
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